Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the coat drive this week!!  We far exceeded my expectations and collected 44 coats!  The majority of the women's coats go to Doma International which helps victims of sex trafficking here in Ohio.  The other women's coats as well as the men's and children's go to World Relief Columbus which helps refugees who are resettled here.  It's hard to believe that sex trafficking is a problem in Ohio and equally hard to believe that some of the people we share our cities with are refugees who have suffered horrific things and have been placed here -with us, to be able to live a better life.  To us a coat is not the end of the world but for them it can be the beginning of a tolerable one.  I think it means more than we will ever know... When everyone has treated you more like garbage than a human being you need people to step in and say, you mean something to me and I care about you.    You guys said that.  You guys rock!!

Each year anywhere from 40 to 75 thousand refugees are resettled in the U.S.A.
It is estimated that at least 17,500 victims of human trafficking also arrive in America each year and remain held against their will. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

SEPTEMBER - It's turning out to be a pretty busy month for me, which I love.  No rest for the wicked.  On the 27th I get to return to Chicago for more work with FMSC!  I can't wait!  I didn't think I'd be able to make it back so soon but really the expense of going there is much less than you would think.  I have a coat drive coming up this Saturday to benefit victims of sex trafficking who are located in central Ohio as well as refugees who are placed here.  Both of these issues are important to me, I think because I had no understanding of them until the past few years and was shocked by the enormity of their presence in the world.  I plan to blog about them more in the next week or two.  I've also started making jewelry that I am selling to benefit Feed My Starving Children.  The things I'm making sell for pretty cheap but each item provides 15 meals, which I'm pretty excited about.  If anyone has suggestions or ideas on what I should make next please comment and let me know!! Below are a few of the items listed so far.  If you want to check out the shop it's https://www.etsy.com/shop/Slumdreams

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

On Saturday, Sept. 14th I'll be at JD Legends in Franklin from 1:30pm to 3pm collecting gently used coats and scarves.  These will be donated to victims of human trafficking and refugees.  I'm looking for men's, women's (especially women's) and kids coats and scarves of all sizes- must be in good condition.  Hopefully all of you have some old ones lying around that you don't care to part with for a good cause.  Ladies, this gives you an excuse to go out and buy yourself something new ;) Stop by and have a beer and hang out or if you're in a rush I will run out and grab them from you.  When I get there on Saturday I will post on FB where exactly I am.  Knowing me I will be as close as I can get to the bar/pool tables and as far as I can get from the bowling lanes.  Thanks!!