Thursday, August 8, 2013

Where do I start??  It's a little nerve wrecking to write this first blog.  Is my grammar up to par?  Will my thoughts come out clearly?  I guess since I have no followers I should just wipe those questions from my mind and give it a shot.

I'll start with how I wound up where I am and who I am.  Up until a few years ago all I really knew of the world was that "there are starving people in Africa".  This I found out by trying not to finish my food when I was a kid and being guilted into submission.  My thoughts then were the same as they are now, "then why don't people give them food?"  I've always been a courteous well-mannered guy and I did what I could to help those around me and that was enough for me until one bad day came along.  I was in the drive through at a fast food restaurant placing my order.  When I was done the cashier said "Would you like to donate a dollar to.." typically I would say yes no matter what it was but this time, on this bad day, I said "no" before she could even finish the sentence.  I immediately felt bad for cutting her off and saying that and this was compounded when I pulled up to the window and saw a sticker for the St. Jude foundation for children with cancer.  As you can imagine, I felt like a huge piece of shit.  I started thinking about what I would do with that dollar verses what the family of a sick child would do with it.  The difference was life or death for them and inconsequential for me.  I think this was the moment that got the humanitarian wheels spinning in my head.  But the more I researched the tragedies of the world the more helpless I felt to change them.  They were monumental and I was an ant.  Where do I get the money to help stop sex trafficking in Nepal?  Where do I find the time to do volunteer work when I'm needed?  How will it ever be convenient for me to travel abroad and make a difference?  Most challenging- How will I handle all of the things I now know and how will I live with the sadness that knowledge brings with it?  The truth is there will never be a convenient time and I will never be able to shed the sadness.  I have since realized, thanks to an Angel, that I cannot let those questions stand in my way or make excuses to do what is easy.  There is always a way.  Power, freedom and human rights are only able to be granted by those who have them.  When people exist who do not have these it is not their fault it is ours. I would rather carry the weight of the world on my shoulders than the shame of turning a blind eye to it or letting it exist as it is.  I will make sure that it is known that I was here for them. 


  1. I must say I have felt the same way. What could little ole me do to change anything? I do not have much by any means but I have always felt the pull to reach out, extend myself in a way that may help someone. I just never knew where to begin. My life consists of work, kids, bills, etc. Where would I even find the time. How? Where? I have a passion for photography, I even thought that if I could use my passion to draw attention to these issues so many people ignore, I would in a minute. If only I knew where to begin? You have a heart of gold and are an inspiration to many. Our younger generation could use a good dose of empathy.

  2. I don't like the fact that your are ever sad for any reason. That wouldn't be the case if you didn't have such a huge heart. If people would put anything before themselves, even for just a moment, we would have a lot less suffering in this world. All life should have the opportunity to thrive. If not, what is the point? You are a beautiful person who has had the experiences most people would love to have. The fact that someone like you, who can have or do anything he wants, feels the pain of each helpless soul in the world is amazing to me and I am proud to have helped raise you. I love you. Sincerely, your Shista
